Using CSS Variables and color utilities for theming.
You can choose between using CSS variables (recommended) or utility classes for theming.
CSS Variables
<div className="bg-background text-foreground" />
To use CSS variables for theming set tailwind.cssVariables
to true
in your components.json
"style": "default",
"rsc": true,
"tailwind": {
"config": "",
"css": "app/globals.css",
"baseColor": "neutral",
"cssVariables": true
"aliases": {
"components": "@/components",
"utils": "@/lib/utils",
"ui": "@/registry/new-york-v4/ui",
"lib": "@/lib",
"hooks": "@/hooks"
"iconLibrary": "lucide"
Utility classes
<div className="bg-zinc-950 dark:bg-white" />
To use utility classes for theming set tailwind.cssVariables
to false
in your components.json
"style": "default",
"rsc": true,
"tailwind": {
"config": "",
"css": "app/globals.css",
"baseColor": "slate",
"cssVariables": false
"aliases": {
"components": "@/components",
"utils": "@/lib/utils",
"ui": "@/registry/new-york-v4/ui",
"lib": "@/lib",
"hooks": "@/hooks"
"iconLibrary": "lucide"
We use a simple background
and foreground
convention for colors. The background
variable is used for the background color of the component and the foreground
variable is used for the text color.
The background
suffix is omitted when the variable is used for the background color of the component.
Given the following CSS variables:
--primary: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
The background
color of the following component will be var(--primary)
and the foreground
color will be var(--primary-foreground)
<div className="bg-primary text-primary-foreground">Hello</div>
List of variables
Here's the list of variables available for customization:
:root {
--background: oklch(1 0 0);
--foreground: oklch(0.145 0 0);
--card: oklch(1 0 0);
--card-foreground: oklch(0.145 0 0);
--popover: oklch(1 0 0);
--popover-foreground: oklch(0.145 0 0);
--primary: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--secondary: oklch(0.97 0 0);
--secondary-foreground: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--muted: oklch(0.97 0 0);
--muted-foreground: oklch(0.556 0 0);
--accent: oklch(0.97 0 0);
--accent-foreground: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--destructive: oklch(0.577 0.245 27.325);
--destructive-foreground: oklch(0.577 0.245 27.325);
--border: oklch(0.922 0 0);
--input: oklch(0.922 0 0);
--ring: oklch(0.708 0 0);
--chart-1: oklch(0.646 0.222 41.116);
--chart-2: oklch(0.6 0.118 184.704);
--chart-3: oklch(0.398 0.07 227.392);
--chart-4: oklch(0.828 0.189 84.429);
--chart-5: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
--radius: 0.625rem;
--sidebar: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-foreground: oklch(0.145 0 0);
--sidebar-primary: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--sidebar-primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-accent: oklch(0.97 0 0);
--sidebar-accent-foreground: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--sidebar-border: oklch(0.922 0 0);
--sidebar-ring: oklch(0.708 0 0);
.dark {
--background: oklch(0.145 0 0);
--foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--card: oklch(0.145 0 0);
--card-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--popover: oklch(0.145 0 0);
--popover-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--primary: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--primary-foreground: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--secondary: oklch(0.269 0 0);
--secondary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--muted: oklch(0.269 0 0);
--muted-foreground: oklch(0.708 0 0);
--accent: oklch(0.269 0 0);
--accent-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--destructive: oklch(0.396 0.141 25.723);
--destructive-foreground: oklch(0.637 0.237 25.331);
--border: oklch(0.269 0 0);
--input: oklch(0.269 0 0);
--ring: oklch(0.556 0 0);
--chart-1: oklch(0.488 0.243 264.376);
--chart-2: oklch(0.696 0.17 162.48);
--chart-3: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
--chart-4: oklch(0.627 0.265 303.9);
--chart-5: oklch(0.645 0.246 16.439);
--sidebar: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--sidebar-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-primary: oklch(0.488 0.243 264.376);
--sidebar-primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-accent: oklch(0.269 0 0);
--sidebar-accent-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-border: oklch(0.269 0 0);
--sidebar-ring: oklch(0.439 0 0);
Adding new colors
To add new colors, you need to add them to your CSS file and to your tailwind.config.js
:root {
--warning: oklch(0.84 0.16 84);
--warning-foreground: oklch(0.28 0.07 46);
.dark {
--warning: oklch(0.41 0.11 46);
--warning-foreground: oklch(0.99 0.02 95);
@theme inline {
--color-warning: var(--warning);
--color-warning-foreground: var(--warning-foreground);
You can now use the warning
utility class in your components.
<div className="bg-warning text-warning-foreground" />
Other color formats
See the Tailwind CSS documentation for more information on using colors in Tailwind CSS.
Base Colors
For reference, here's a list of the base colors that are available.
:root {
--radius: 0.625rem;
--background: oklch(1 0 0);
--foreground: oklch(0.147 0.004 49.25);
--card: oklch(1 0 0);
--card-foreground: oklch(0.147 0.004 49.25);
--popover: oklch(1 0 0);
--popover-foreground: oklch(0.147 0.004 49.25);
--primary: oklch(0.216 0.006 56.043);
--primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.001 106.423);
--secondary: oklch(0.97 0.001 106.424);
--secondary-foreground: oklch(0.216 0.006 56.043);
--muted: oklch(0.97 0.001 106.424);
--muted-foreground: oklch(0.553 0.013 58.071);
--accent: oklch(0.97 0.001 106.424);
--accent-foreground: oklch(0.216 0.006 56.043);
--destructive: oklch(0.577 0.245 27.325);
--border: oklch(0.923 0.003 48.717);
--input: oklch(0.923 0.003 48.717);
--ring: oklch(0.709 0.01 56.259);
--chart-1: oklch(0.646 0.222 41.116);
--chart-2: oklch(0.6 0.118 184.704);
--chart-3: oklch(0.398 0.07 227.392);
--chart-4: oklch(0.828 0.189 84.429);
--chart-5: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
--sidebar: oklch(0.985 0.001 106.423);
--sidebar-foreground: oklch(0.147 0.004 49.25);
--sidebar-primary: oklch(0.216 0.006 56.043);
--sidebar-primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.001 106.423);
--sidebar-accent: oklch(0.97 0.001 106.424);
--sidebar-accent-foreground: oklch(0.216 0.006 56.043);
--sidebar-border: oklch(0.923 0.003 48.717);
--sidebar-ring: oklch(0.709 0.01 56.259);
.dark {
--background: oklch(0.147 0.004 49.25);
--foreground: oklch(0.985 0.001 106.423);
--card: oklch(0.216 0.006 56.043);
--card-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.001 106.423);
--popover: oklch(0.216 0.006 56.043);
--popover-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.001 106.423);
--primary: oklch(0.923 0.003 48.717);
--primary-foreground: oklch(0.216 0.006 56.043);
--secondary: oklch(0.268 0.007 34.298);
--secondary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.001 106.423);
--muted: oklch(0.268 0.007 34.298);
--muted-foreground: oklch(0.709 0.01 56.259);
--accent: oklch(0.268 0.007 34.298);
--accent-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.001 106.423);
--destructive: oklch(0.704 0.191 22.216);
--border: oklch(1 0 0 / 10%);
--input: oklch(1 0 0 / 15%);
--ring: oklch(0.553 0.013 58.071);
--chart-1: oklch(0.488 0.243 264.376);
--chart-2: oklch(0.696 0.17 162.48);
--chart-3: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
--chart-4: oklch(0.627 0.265 303.9);
--chart-5: oklch(0.645 0.246 16.439);
--sidebar: oklch(0.216 0.006 56.043);
--sidebar-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.001 106.423);
--sidebar-primary: oklch(0.488 0.243 264.376);
--sidebar-primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.001 106.423);
--sidebar-accent: oklch(0.268 0.007 34.298);
--sidebar-accent-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.001 106.423);
--sidebar-border: oklch(1 0 0 / 10%);
--sidebar-ring: oklch(0.553 0.013 58.071);
:root {
--radius: 0.625rem;
--background: oklch(1 0 0);
--foreground: oklch(0.141 0.005 285.823);
--card: oklch(1 0 0);
--card-foreground: oklch(0.141 0.005 285.823);
--popover: oklch(1 0 0);
--popover-foreground: oklch(0.141 0.005 285.823);
--primary: oklch(0.21 0.006 285.885);
--primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--secondary: oklch(0.967 0.001 286.375);
--secondary-foreground: oklch(0.21 0.006 285.885);
--muted: oklch(0.967 0.001 286.375);
--muted-foreground: oklch(0.552 0.016 285.938);
--accent: oklch(0.967 0.001 286.375);
--accent-foreground: oklch(0.21 0.006 285.885);
--destructive: oklch(0.577 0.245 27.325);
--border: oklch(0.92 0.004 286.32);
--input: oklch(0.92 0.004 286.32);
--ring: oklch(0.705 0.015 286.067);
--chart-1: oklch(0.646 0.222 41.116);
--chart-2: oklch(0.6 0.118 184.704);
--chart-3: oklch(0.398 0.07 227.392);
--chart-4: oklch(0.828 0.189 84.429);
--chart-5: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
--sidebar: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-foreground: oklch(0.141 0.005 285.823);
--sidebar-primary: oklch(0.21 0.006 285.885);
--sidebar-primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-accent: oklch(0.967 0.001 286.375);
--sidebar-accent-foreground: oklch(0.21 0.006 285.885);
--sidebar-border: oklch(0.92 0.004 286.32);
--sidebar-ring: oklch(0.705 0.015 286.067);
dark {
--background: oklch(0.141 0.005 285.823);
--foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--card: oklch(0.21 0.006 285.885);
--card-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--popover: oklch(0.21 0.006 285.885);
--popover-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--primary: oklch(0.92 0.004 286.32);
--primary-foreground: oklch(0.21 0.006 285.885);
--secondary: oklch(0.274 0.006 286.033);
--secondary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--muted: oklch(0.274 0.006 286.033);
--muted-foreground: oklch(0.705 0.015 286.067);
--accent: oklch(0.274 0.006 286.033);
--accent-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--destructive: oklch(0.704 0.191 22.216);
--border: oklch(1 0 0 / 10%);
--input: oklch(1 0 0 / 15%);
--ring: oklch(0.552 0.016 285.938);
--chart-1: oklch(0.488 0.243 264.376);
--chart-2: oklch(0.696 0.17 162.48);
--chart-3: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
--chart-4: oklch(0.627 0.265 303.9);
--chart-5: oklch(0.645 0.246 16.439);
--sidebar: oklch(0.21 0.006 285.885);
--sidebar-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-primary: oklch(0.488 0.243 264.376);
--sidebar-primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-accent: oklch(0.274 0.006 286.033);
--sidebar-accent-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-border: oklch(1 0 0 / 10%);
--sidebar-ring: oklch(0.552 0.016 285.938);
:root {
--radius: 0.625rem;
--background: oklch(1 0 0);
--foreground: oklch(0.145 0 0);
--card: oklch(1 0 0);
--card-foreground: oklch(0.145 0 0);
--popover: oklch(1 0 0);
--popover-foreground: oklch(0.145 0 0);
--primary: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--secondary: oklch(0.97 0 0);
--secondary-foreground: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--muted: oklch(0.97 0 0);
--muted-foreground: oklch(0.556 0 0);
--accent: oklch(0.97 0 0);
--accent-foreground: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--destructive: oklch(0.577 0.245 27.325);
--border: oklch(0.922 0 0);
--input: oklch(0.922 0 0);
--ring: oklch(0.708 0 0);
--chart-1: oklch(0.646 0.222 41.116);
--chart-2: oklch(0.6 0.118 184.704);
--chart-3: oklch(0.398 0.07 227.392);
--chart-4: oklch(0.828 0.189 84.429);
--chart-5: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
--sidebar: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-foreground: oklch(0.145 0 0);
--sidebar-primary: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--sidebar-primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-accent: oklch(0.97 0 0);
--sidebar-accent-foreground: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--sidebar-border: oklch(0.922 0 0);
--sidebar-ring: oklch(0.708 0 0);
.dark {
--background: oklch(0.145 0 0);
--foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--card: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--card-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--popover: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--popover-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--primary: oklch(0.922 0 0);
--primary-foreground: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--secondary: oklch(0.269 0 0);
--secondary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--muted: oklch(0.269 0 0);
--muted-foreground: oklch(0.708 0 0);
--accent: oklch(0.269 0 0);
--accent-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--destructive: oklch(0.704 0.191 22.216);
--border: oklch(1 0 0 / 10%);
--input: oklch(1 0 0 / 15%);
--ring: oklch(0.556 0 0);
--chart-1: oklch(0.488 0.243 264.376);
--chart-2: oklch(0.696 0.17 162.48);
--chart-3: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
--chart-4: oklch(0.627 0.265 303.9);
--chart-5: oklch(0.645 0.246 16.439);
--sidebar: oklch(0.205 0 0);
--sidebar-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-primary: oklch(0.488 0.243 264.376);
--sidebar-primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-accent: oklch(0.269 0 0);
--sidebar-accent-foreground: oklch(0.985 0 0);
--sidebar-border: oklch(1 0 0 / 10%);
--sidebar-ring: oklch(0.556 0 0);
:root {
--radius: 0.625rem;
--background: oklch(1 0 0);
--foreground: oklch(0.13 0.028 261.692);
--card: oklch(1 0 0);
--card-foreground: oklch(0.13 0.028 261.692);
--popover: oklch(1 0 0);
--popover-foreground: oklch(0.13 0.028 261.692);
--primary: oklch(0.21 0.034 264.665);
--primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.002 247.839);
--secondary: oklch(0.967 0.003 264.542);
--secondary-foreground: oklch(0.21 0.034 264.665);
--muted: oklch(0.967 0.003 264.542);
--muted-foreground: oklch(0.551 0.027 264.364);
--accent: oklch(0.967 0.003 264.542);
--accent-foreground: oklch(0.21 0.034 264.665);
--destructive: oklch(0.577 0.245 27.325);
--border: oklch(0.928 0.006 264.531);
--input: oklch(0.928 0.006 264.531);
--ring: oklch(0.707 0.022 261.325);
--chart-1: oklch(0.646 0.222 41.116);
--chart-2: oklch(0.6 0.118 184.704);
--chart-3: oklch(0.398 0.07 227.392);
--chart-4: oklch(0.828 0.189 84.429);
--chart-5: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
--sidebar: oklch(0.985 0.002 247.839);
--sidebar-foreground: oklch(0.13 0.028 261.692);
--sidebar-primary: oklch(0.21 0.034 264.665);
--sidebar-primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.002 247.839);
--sidebar-accent: oklch(0.967 0.003 264.542);
--sidebar-accent-foreground: oklch(0.21 0.034 264.665);
--sidebar-border: oklch(0.928 0.006 264.531);
--sidebar-ring: oklch(0.707 0.022 261.325);
.dark {
--background: oklch(0.13 0.028 261.692);
--foreground: oklch(0.985 0.002 247.839);
--card: oklch(0.21 0.034 264.665);
--card-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.002 247.839);
--popover: oklch(0.21 0.034 264.665);
--popover-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.002 247.839);
--primary: oklch(0.928 0.006 264.531);
--primary-foreground: oklch(0.21 0.034 264.665);
--secondary: oklch(0.278 0.033 256.848);
--secondary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.002 247.839);
--muted: oklch(0.278 0.033 256.848);
--muted-foreground: oklch(0.707 0.022 261.325);
--accent: oklch(0.278 0.033 256.848);
--accent-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.002 247.839);
--destructive: oklch(0.704 0.191 22.216);
--border: oklch(1 0 0 / 10%);
--input: oklch(1 0 0 / 15%);
--ring: oklch(0.551 0.027 264.364);
--chart-1: oklch(0.488 0.243 264.376);
--chart-2: oklch(0.696 0.17 162.48);
--chart-3: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
--chart-4: oklch(0.627 0.265 303.9);
--chart-5: oklch(0.645 0.246 16.439);
--sidebar: oklch(0.21 0.034 264.665);
--sidebar-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.002 247.839);
--sidebar-primary: oklch(0.488 0.243 264.376);
--sidebar-primary-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.002 247.839);
--sidebar-accent: oklch(0.278 0.033 256.848);
--sidebar-accent-foreground: oklch(0.985 0.002 247.839);
--sidebar-border: oklch(1 0 0 / 10%);
--sidebar-ring: oklch(0.551 0.027 264.364);
:root {
--radius: 0.625rem;
--background: oklch(1 0 0);
--foreground: oklch(0.129 0.042 264.695);
--card: oklch(1 0 0);
--card-foreground: oklch(0.129 0.042 264.695);
--popover: oklch(1 0 0);
--popover-foreground: oklch(0.129 0.042 264.695);
--primary: oklch(0.208 0.042 265.755);
--primary-foreground: oklch(0.984 0.003 247.858);
--secondary: oklch(0.968 0.007 247.896);
--secondary-foreground: oklch(0.208 0.042 265.755);
--muted: oklch(0.968 0.007 247.896);
--muted-foreground: oklch(0.554 0.046 257.417);
--accent: oklch(0.968 0.007 247.896);
--accent-foreground: oklch(0.208 0.042 265.755);
--destructive: oklch(0.577 0.245 27.325);
--border: oklch(0.929 0.013 255.508);
--input: oklch(0.929 0.013 255.508);
--ring: oklch(0.704 0.04 256.788);
--chart-1: oklch(0.646 0.222 41.116);
--chart-2: oklch(0.6 0.118 184.704);
--chart-3: oklch(0.398 0.07 227.392);
--chart-4: oklch(0.828 0.189 84.429);
--chart-5: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
--sidebar: oklch(0.984 0.003 247.858);
--sidebar-foreground: oklch(0.129 0.042 264.695);
--sidebar-primary: oklch(0.208 0.042 265.755);
--sidebar-primary-foreground: oklch(0.984 0.003 247.858);
--sidebar-accent: oklch(0.968 0.007 247.896);
--sidebar-accent-foreground: oklch(0.208 0.042 265.755);
--sidebar-border: oklch(0.929 0.013 255.508);
--sidebar-ring: oklch(0.704 0.04 256.788);
.dark {
--background: oklch(0.129 0.042 264.695);
--foreground: oklch(0.984 0.003 247.858);
--card: oklch(0.208 0.042 265.755);
--card-foreground: oklch(0.984 0.003 247.858);
--popover: oklch(0.208 0.042 265.755);
--popover-foreground: oklch(0.984 0.003 247.858);
--primary: oklch(0.929 0.013 255.508);
--primary-foreground: oklch(0.208 0.042 265.755);
--secondary: oklch(0.279 0.041 260.031);
--secondary-foreground: oklch(0.984 0.003 247.858);
--muted: oklch(0.279 0.041 260.031);
--muted-foreground: oklch(0.704 0.04 256.788);
--accent: oklch(0.279 0.041 260.031);
--accent-foreground: oklch(0.984 0.003 247.858);
--destructive: oklch(0.704 0.191 22.216);
--border: oklch(1 0 0 / 10%);
--input: oklch(1 0 0 / 15%);
--ring: oklch(0.551 0.027 264.364);
--chart-1: oklch(0.488 0.243 264.376);
--chart-2: oklch(0.696 0.17 162.48);
--chart-3: oklch(0.769 0.188 70.08);
--chart-4: oklch(0.627 0.265 303.9);
--chart-5: oklch(0.645 0.246 16.439);
--sidebar: oklch(0.208 0.042 265.755);
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